
Politiets Efterretningstjeneste, Denmark’s National Security and Intelligence Service, is seeking to increase cooperation between national authorities, the private and the public sectors in Denmark. 

It comes as the group released the third instalment of national AML and anti-terrorist financing guidelines to replace the previous 2020 risk assessment policies.

As a result of the changes, the rulebook has been revised with the main change in the new risk assessment being the introduction of a clearer distinction between financial threats, vulnerabilities and risks, as well as a better vision of how they intertwine. 

October 2023 also saw the region’s governance strengthen protections with a new customer ID card scheme, mandatory for all gambling providers. These moves intensify the approach of the region in terms of combating AML and enhancing player protections.

Following this, the Danish Gambling Authority Spillemyndigheden launched the revamped StyrPå website that serves as a public registry for the latest information on the land-based, lottery and igaming sectors – part of Denmark’s ‘2023-to-2025’ national strategy to reduce gambling harm. 

Shortly after, the regulator launched its first-ever nationwide advertising campaign targeting under-18s and warning them about the negative effects of compulsive gambling behaviour. 

New controls dictate that all gambling operators must incorporate the new national risk assessment in their business, maintaining satisfactory risk prevention levels at all times. Commands must be reassessed at least once a year and reflect any regulatory developments introduced in the future.

Joe Streeter
Joe Streeter