Kaizen Gaming launches Kaizen Foundation for global charity initiatives


Kaizen Gaming has launched a charitable initiative in its home nation of Greece, unveiling the Kaizen Foundation to support non-profit organisations. 

Acting as the foundation’s sole financial backer, Kaizen Gaming’s charitable campaign will support organisations in undertaking initiatives across each country the gametech company operates in, including Greece, Malta, Romania, Portugal and Bulgaria.

Kaizen Gaming Co-Founder and CEO, George Daskalakis, commented: ”Since we embarked on Kaizen Gaming’s journey, we have seen a lot of our dreams turn into reality. We are a company with over 2,500 people across the globe. We have supported dozens of athletes trying to conquer their goals. 

“Today we realise one more dream, through the establishment of the Kaizen Foundation, as we are now in the position to contribute to society in a more meaningful way than ever. The inauguration of the foundation is accompanied by the largest donation we have ever made, which will drastically change for the better the lives of children, their families and the hospital personnel.” 

The Kaizen Foundation’s premier initiative will be to support Penteli Children’s General Hospital in Athens, Greece, investing €3.8m in the refurbishment of the hospital’s surgical rooms, as well as first and ground floor clinics.

“On behalf of the Greek state, I would like to extend my gratitude to Kaizen Gaming and the newly established Kaizen Foundation for starting its operation with the renovation of this children’s hospital, which is crucial for the residents of North Athens and the surrounding areas,” stated Adonis Georgiadis, the Greek Minister of Health. 

“Thanks to this initiative, medical professionals will be able to provide a better standard of care, while little patients and their parents will receive high-quality healthcare conditions. Penteli Children’s General Hospital will turn into a jewel of the National Health System.”

This project will also see the implementation of fire safety systems and the renovation of the outdoor areas, representing the ‘most significant upgrade’ to the hospital’s facilities in 80 years. 

Panos Konstantopoulos, President of the Kaizen Foundation, explained: “From the moment it started operating, Kaizen Gaming has worked to make a difference in society. The creation of the Kaizen Foundation is a natural progression, the next step that allows us to implement initiatives on a larger scale, which will have an impact at an international level. 

“We are very touched that we start from Greece and the Penteli Children’s General Hospital. The renovation of this hospital is a step towards improving health care conditions for the children. We want to thank the Ministry of Health, its administration and the hospital employees who embraced this initiative.”

Starting with this project in its home nation of Greece, Kaizen Gaming’s charitable subsidiary will aim to ‘deliver initiatives with long-term impact that foster innovation and improve all aspects of people’s lives’. 

Deputy Minister of Health of Greece, Marios Themistocleous, added: “The collaboration with Kaizen Gaming and the Kaizen Foundation shows how private companies can positively influence the improvement of public health services for our children. 

“We sincerely appreciate their contribution and support in the ongoing endeavours of the Greek government to enhance the National Health System.”

Danny Lee
Danny Lee