
Seeking to provide a more intricate guide to raising standards in the UK betting industry, The Betting and Gaming Council has published its first Code Handbook

The measures, which have already been implemented across the sector, include a trio of codes that have become part of License Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) for members.

At the heart of the casino sector’s new guidance is ensuring that safer gambling messaging and increased information is prevalent within the land-based casino environment. 

Amongst other strategies one aims to ensure that slot machine safer gambling messaging is boosted – ‘outside of game play, at least 20% of slot machine top screen imagery to be dedicated to safer gambling messaging, where game and machine functionality permits’. 

As well as this, one strategy bids for safer gambling messaging to appear on slot machine receipts (referred to as TITO), promoting safer gambling and advice on staying in control, including the National Helpline phone number. 

These measures will apply across the diverse membership of the BGC, including land-based operators like casinos, which are a pillar of the hospitality and tourism sector, bookmakers on hard-pressed high streets and online gaming operators.

The code emphasises that members should consult external stakeholders when formulating new tools including collaboration with charities and other BGC operators. 

Betting and Gaming Council CEO Grainne Hurst, commented: “I am delighted to announce this new Code Handbook, which comprises over five years of determined work to raise standards, across the board.

“It is also entirely fitting that we publish this landmark new Code Handbook on our fifth anniversary. The BGC was founded as the industry’s standards body, and this Handbook draws together our sector’s combined efforts, under the leadership of the BGC, to raise standards on safer gambling in the UK.

“With 20 Codes covering 100 measures, which all BGC members follow as a condition of membership, this comprehensive document should rightly be seen as the concrete demonstration of our member’s determination to deliver world-class standards.

“This Code Handbook is also not the final word on this work, because the commitment to raising standards does not stop for the BGC, or our members.

“That’s why we are working with the regulator and government on over 50 additional workstreams which will raise standards even further as part of the White Paper reforms.”

Furthermore, the Code Handbook also highlighted the importance of the whistle-to-whistle ban on TV betting commercials during live sport before the 9pm watershed, which led to the number of such ads being seen by children at that time falling by 97%.

It comes at a pivotal time for the sector with white paper changes set to be implemented imminently.

Hurst added: “Taken alone, neither the recently published White Paper on gambling reform, or existing licence conditions set by the Gambling Commission, can deliver the world class standards our industry strives for.

“It takes independent determination on behalf of our members, and collective ambition by the BGC to deliver that. This Handbook is the result of that determination and ambition.

“We are determined to deliver the foundations for a sustainable sector, built on stability, growth and diversity, ensuring our members set the global standard for our world-class industry.”

To view the handbook in full, click here.

Joe Streeter
Joe Streeter