Online casino portal,, has launched a casino welcome bonus ratings and reviews service, which features detailed analysis and value simulations to help players decide if a bonus is right for them.
The project, which was undertaken with BeatingBonuses, addresses the difficulties players often have when it comes to assessing online casino bonuses.
ThePogg simulated over 350 welcome bonuses – with almost 200 reports still to be published – to determine the value of each bonus for low rollers, mid rollers, high rollers and super high rollers.
These figures are then provided so players can get an accurate assessment of how good a bonus is for them, once all of the terms and conditions and their own playing style is taken into consideration.
“Several years ago, the owner of BeatingBonuses coded a tool to allow players to assess the value of bonuses,” said Duncan Garvie, manager and ADR official for ThePogg.
“This tool worked by taking specific criteria entered by the user – such as deposit size, bonus size, wagering requirement, bet size and game selection – and then simulating play of the bonus with these specifications.
“By playing the same bonus over and over again and averaging the results, it is possible to determine what the expected outcome is for the player. In the case of our bonus reviewing, we repeat each bonus 10 million times for each roller category.”