Silver Heritage Group, who operate and manage a number of casinos in Nepal and Vietnam, has announced the grand opening of “ South Asia’s first Integrated Resort.”
The Tiger Palace Resort, located in Bhairahawa Nepal, close to the border with India’s most populous state Uttar Pradesh, is to witness a two day celebratory event on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 March.
Tim Shepherd, co-founder and senior advisor of the Silver Heritage Group, said: “Tiger Palace Resort is our first wholly owned and operated five-star integrated resort in Bhairahawa, Nepal.
“This resort forms a major part of the Silver Heritage Group’s core growth strategy of focusing on developing casino resorts on the Indo-Nepal border and capitalising on the strong demand from Indian customers for a wholesome entertainment destination.
“The immediate target market for the resort comprises of the more than 15 million aspirational middle-class Indian citizens living within six hours of travel from the resort, in states including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.”
Spread across 22 acres of land and offering 100 rooms and suites, the Tiger Palace Resort also features a 2,500 square meters of live gaming and entertainment venue, featuring 44 gaming tables and more 200 electronic gaming machine.