Player activation specialist Wiraya is focusing on player activation in the betting industry, in which an estimated 60 per cent of new registered customers never make a deposit.
The company has set up an hour-long webinar for Tuesday, September 25, starting at 2pm (UK), to help its industry counterparts to both optimise communication with players and deliver a real increase in the number of first-time depositors.
Edward Maine, marketing director for Wiraya, said: “The igaming industry is now flooded with a range of free bets and offers, from an increasingly large number of recognised operators.
“Player activation remains one of the biggest problems in the industry; current estimates suggest that up to 60 per cent of new registered players fail to ever make a deposit.
“It’s time for market innovators to take a different approach,” he said.
In the upcoming webinar, titled How can you increase your deposits from newly registered players?, Wiraya will discuss why so many operators fail to convert such a high percentage of new customers.
It will also cover the real revenue losses from poor player activation and why player activation/strong consumer experience (CX) in the early life of a player is so important, before providing a demo of its own AI-based solution to activate players.
To sign up for the webinar, click here.