New figures show 722 reached out to StopSpillet during 2019

During its first year of operations, Danish regulator Spillemyndigheden has revealed that the number of calls that its StopSpillet helpline received during 2019 was ‘more than expected.’

Throughout 2019, 722 people reached out to the helpline, which the regulator said shows ‘that there is a great need for a national helpline providing advice and counselling about responsible gambling.’

Head of Division at StopSpillet, Linda Lomborg, added: “Compared to other types of addiction, compulsive gambling is not immediately visible and may be hidden for a long time to the outside world.

“This emphasises the need for a helpline such as StopSpillet, offering confidential conversations about a problem that can be associated with a lot of guilt and shame.”

Since December 2019, StopSpillet has been trialling a live chat function which allows gamblers to reach out to the helpline online. The trial period is due to conclude in March.

“We can see that most of the players who call fall in the categories of problem and compulsive gamblers. In other words, we get through to those who need us and are able to help many of those who have ended up in an unhappy situation because of gambling,” said Director of the Gaming Authority Birgitte Sand.


Erin Gallagher
Erin Gallagher