The BGC has stated that a recent YouGov poll regarding the subject of affordability checks is a ‘wake up call’ for legislators.

The Betting and Gaming Council has stated that a recent YouGov poll regarding the subject of affordability checks is a ‘wake up call’ for legislators. 

The poll, which targeted bettors, revealed that 16 per cent stated that they would welcome affordability checks, with a much larger number of respondents, 58 per cent, rejecting them.

However, a further 59 per cent of bettors asserted that government-imposed investigations into customer finances in order to place a bet would lead to a “large or substantial risk” of customers shifting to the black market.

Michael Dugher, BGC CEO, said: “We strongly support the gambling review as a once in a generation opportunity to raise standards and promote safer gambling.

“Ministers have said it will be an evidence-led process, and these findings are a wake up call showing the potential dangers of introducing blanket affordability checks on anyone who likes a flutter.”

A further figure within the YouGov poll found that 51 per cent of all surveyed adults believed that this potential increase in the use of the black market would lead to a parallel rise in problem gambling, with a minority of four per cent stating that this trend would reduce problem gambling levels. 

The standards body has maintained that although it is in favour of enhancing affordability checks, the measures should be targeted against individuals who are most at risk rather than all bettors.

Dugher, meanwhile, also reiterated his view that the government should “strike the right balance” between protection of vulnerable players whilst ensuring that the “overwhelming majority” of not-at-risk bettors are not driven towards illicit operators due to extensive measures such as affordability checks.

James Ross
James Ross