Spillemyndigheden reports YoY increases in March & April GGR

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Spillemyndigheden, the Danish gambling authority, has released data on the country’s total gambling spend in March and April, with both months seeing year-over-year growth.

Denmark’s total GGR across betting, online casino, gaming machines and land-based casino in March was DKK 599m (€80.38m), up 14.1 per cent YoY (March 2022: DKK 525m).

Per segment, betting and online casino GGR rose compared to the same period in the previous year, but gaming machines and land-based casino GGR fell.

Betting GGR for the month rose by 38 per cent to DKK 214m (2022: DKK 155m), gaming machines GGR declined by 6 per cent to DKK 103m (2022: DKK 110m), land-based casino GGR dropped by 26 per cent to DKK 25m (2022: DKK 34m) and online casino GGR rose by 14 per cent to DKK 257m (2022: DKK 226m).

The gambling authority also noted that total GGR for April was DKK 639m (€85.75m), a 4.8 per cent increase compared to the same period last year (April 2022: DKK 609m).

Per segment, the same pattern from March continued into April, with betting and online casino GGR improving and land-based casino and gaming machines GGR decreasing.

April’s betting GGR rose by 11 per cent YoY DKK 247m (2022: DKK 222m), online casino GGR grew by 6.3 per cent to DKK 257m (2022: DKK 242m), land-based casino GGR dropped by 8.9 per cent to DKK 32m (2022: DKK 35m) and gaming machines GGR declined by 6.7 per cent to DKK 103m (2022: DKK 110m).

Spillemyndigheden added that the number of people registered to the authority’s self-exclusion programme ROFUS at the end of April was 42,029.

Conor Porter
Conor Porter