EPIC Risk Management has retained its ISO 9001 accreditation, which CEO Paul Buck has aligned with ongoing efforts “to promote a culture of continuous improvement”.

Following what was reported as a “rigorous scrutiny” of policies and processes by assessors, the gambling harm minimisation consultancy was found to have met “the highest standards”.

The independent appraisal evaluated EPIC’s policies, procedures, governance and wider business, which included compliance and legislation to health and safety as well as continuous improvement to HR practices.

“We continually evaluate our processes, identify areas for enhancement, and implement measures to drive efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance throughout EPIC,” explained Buck.

“Meeting ISO 9001 requires a year-round commitment to undertaking high quality processes and we believe that this is reflected in the quality of services we are able to offer to our clients around the world.

“We are also pleased that the lived experience element of our work was recognised as a noteworthy element of the assessment, as this is one of the many features that makes EPIC Risk Management unique in our drive to minimise the risk of gambling-related harm through education and prevention methods.”

ISO 9001, which is utilised by over one million businesses, is an internationally recognised standard for quality management. It provides a framework for ensuring that organisations consistently deliver products or services that meet customer requirements. 

Alongside the latest certification, EPIC has also begun the latest three-year cycle of Investor in People accreditation. The ambition is to improve upon the company’s current gold standard.

Louise Flynn, EPIC Risk Management’s head of business support, commented: “During the assessment, the auditor commented on EPIC’s inspiring mission and was in awe of the facilitators who use their experience to warn against the risk of gambling day in, and day out.

“In her words, she was ‘bowled over’ by the organisation and the people working for it.  

“ISO9001 ensures we create an environment where we strive for quality in both the output of our work and the services we offer, as well as the successful development of our staff.

“Continuous improvement is a key focus for ISO 9001 and we encourage all staff to follow best practice by keeping track of improvements they’re working on or using recording mechanisms to track meetings or progress within ongoing projects.”

Craig Davies

Craig has been in journalism since 2011, after graduating from the University of Central Lancashire the previous year. Several roles in the news and sports print media ensued, before a two year...