The Star Entertainment Group enters jobs guarantee with NSW Treasurer

The Star Sydney
Image: Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock

The Star Entertainment Group has entered into binding documentation with New South Wales Treasurer, The Honourable Daniel Mookhey MLC, agreeing to a jobs guarantee and a cashless and carded play trial at its Sydney casino.

Entering a Jobs Guarantee Agreement with the State of NSW and the United Workers Union, The Star has agreed to a minimum headcount and certain ratios of full-time, part-time and casual employees at The Star Sydney casino until June 30, 2030. 

“The jobs commitment is subject to certain permitted adjustments in certain circumstances (including for force majeure and material adverse change events) following consultation with the NSW government and the United Workers Union,” The Star said in a statement.

If The Star fails to comply with these requirements, it will be subject to certain penalties under the recent amendments to the Casino Control Act 1992 (NSW). Within 10 business days following entry into the Jobs Guarantee Agreement, a copy of the agreement must be tabled in NSW Parliament.

“The Star appreciates the constructive engagement with the current NSW Government that has led to the finalisation of an agreement that provides employment certainty for our dedicated and hard-working team members in Sydney,” commented Robbie Cooke, Group CEO and Managing Director of The Star.

“As we continue to focus on earning back the trust of the community and implementing the reforms required to restore The Star to suitability, we are also committed to the continuation of our role as a valuable contributor to the NSW economy.” 

The binding documentation is a follow-up to the previously announced in-principle casino duty rate agreements with the NSW Treasurer in August 2023. 

In addition, The Star has also entered into documentation for a formal cashless and carded play trial at its Sydney casino.

Subject to the receipt of final regulatory approvals, the trial will apply to 51 poker machines and eight table games within the ‘Sovereign Room’ at the casino until the regulatory framework comes into effect. 

The trial is a precursor to reforms being introduced later this year in August that would bring cashless gaming and carded play to NSW casinos.

Conor Porter
Conor Porter