Spelinspektionen to investigate Kanon Gaming over procedural failures

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Spelinspektionen, Sweden’s Gambling Authority, has initiated an investigation into online casino operator Kanon Gaming Limited over procedural and player protection shortcomings. 

The probe will assess whether the company’s losses disclosure procedure for recording losses falls in line with Sweden’s Gambling Act. Kanon currently operates licensed websites casinoepic.se, casinogami.se, frejacasino.se, and lokecasino.se.

Sweden’s regulator will also look into the operator’s player protection measures, as Kanon has allegedly failed to intervene when players show signs of problem gambling. 

If found in breach of Sweden’s Gambling Act, Kanon will face a penalty of up to SEK 7m (£530k). 

According to Spelinspektionen, the operator has also been found to make no distinctions between the age groups of its players, handling those over 24 in the same way as those between 18 and 24, with the latter widely considered more prone to gambling harm. 

Spelinspektionen recently launched a gambling awareness campaign to reach this age group, targeting young adults by collaborating with governmental agencies to offer information on problem gambling on digital platforms. 

Yvonne Hejdenberg, Head of Communications at Spelinspektionen, stated: “Many come into contact with some form of gambling for money via computer games and apps. Through the campaign, we try to talk about the consequences of unhealthy gambling in an emotional way.

“We believe that the campaign will also be able to speak to adults, especially parents or relatives of children in the target group.”

Danny Lee
Danny Lee