Argentine Ombudsman proposes federal ban on gambling advertising

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Argentina’s Ombudsman introduced a proposal in Congress last week to enforce federal-level restrictions for gambling advertising. Despite local gambling regulations depending on each province, they are pushing to get them all on the same page.

The public opinion has revolved around underage gambling for some time now and concerns about problem gambling have surged. With that in mind, several local regulators have been moving to block websites, issue warnings or even sue influencers and celebrities for promoting illegal operations.

“In the face of the proliferation of online gambling, the investment in advertising by companies that use aggressive and attractive strategies causes or may cause people in general and young people in particular to focus their attention on this type of games and their participation becomes increasingly addictive,” the Ombudsman’s proposal stated.

“Recent studies have shown that constant exposure to these advertising campaigns increases the likelihood of developing addictive behaviours related to gambling, a condition known as cyber-gambling addiction. Adolescents, being in a stage of cognitive and emotional development even in training, are particularly susceptible to these effects.”

Gambling advertising regulation in Argentina

The proposal pushes for an all-out ban on advertising and promoting online gambling and sports betting in any media, including digital media, television, radio, print media and public spaces. In addition, sponsorships in sports would also be prohibited, especially those that attract an underage audience. Strict mechanisms will also be enforced to verify users are of legal age.

“This bill has the primary objective of preventing cyber-gambling addiction in adolescents by regulating the advertising of online gambling. International evidence shows that the implementation of restrictive policies in this area can be effective in reducing young people’s exposure to harmful content,” the proposal said.

“By adopting these measures, we not only protect the health and well-being of our adolescents, but we also promote comprehensive and healthy development, in line with the values ​​and principles that we defend as a society.”

The proposal also calls for the National Executive Branch to designate an authority to oversee the application and supervision of compliance with the law, should it be enforced. It “will have the necessary powers to inspect, audit and sanction offenders,” in addition to being in charge of promoting awareness campaigns on the risks of cyber gambling addiction, and severe sanctions will be imposed for those who fail to comply with the provisions of the law.

Operators would also have a period of six months to adapt their practices and advertising to the established provisions, once they get enforced.

“Failure to comply with the provisions of this law may be punished with a warning, fine or suspension or cancellation of the licence to operate online games and bets,” the text warns.

Article 13 invites all provinces and the City of Buenos Aires to adhere to this regulation, and, if approved, the bill has to get its regulations passed within 120 days to finally be signed into Law.

Written by Fernando Noodt, Senior Journalist, SBC Noticias

Fernando Noodt
Fernando Noodt