Deeper data in a cashless ecosystem can be key to safer gambling

utilising enhanced data could be a key way to improve social responsibility and player safety, according to consumers surveyed as part of the latest data by the UK Gambling Commission.

As the global gaming space becomes increasingly cashless, utilising enhanced data could be a key way to improve social responsibility and player safety, according to consumers surveyed as part of the latest data by the UK Gambling Commission

The data revealed that for many consumers cash is still viewed as the most effective way to keep track of the money that is being spent when gambling, as 79 per cent of those asked detailed that they believe it helps them control their spending speed.

Nonetheless, 85 per cent of land based players revealed that they feel a cashless payment method, such as a debit card or mobile phone, leads to it becoming easier for them to spend a greater amount on gambling. 

It comes amid a backdrop of UK consumers embracing cashless transactions at a greater level as the high street reopens following the COVID pandemic – with the spike in cashless engagement being replicated across a plethora of sectors.  

In terms of data: ‘22 per cent of respondents said that they would be happy to pay for gambling through a cashless payment method, and for the gambling company to access information on their transactions. However, 33 per cent would not be happy for a gambling company to access their information, with the main concerns being around retaining privacy and controlling spend, which they found easier with cash’.

Evaluating how the research was formed, the Commission revealed: “We use a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods to gather views, opinions and insights from gambling consumers. This work complements our nationally representative statistics on gambling participation and the prevalence of problem gambling but goes into more depth on key issues and emerging areas of interest.

“Our Consumer Voice research is currently conducted by 2CV, who use a combination of online surveys and online community panels to tap into the voice of gambling consumers and those affected by gambling in Great Britain.”

Joe Streeter
Joe Streeter