The association that represents casino operators, providers and permit holders in Mexico, AIEJA, has requested the federal administration for fiscal changes, aiming to unify the taxes to which the casino industry is currently subject.

Miguel Ángel Ochoa, president of AIEJA, assured that taxes “fiscally strangle the industry”, and argued that a single tax payment would help improve control over income and better distribute benefits to municipalities, as well as federal and state coffers.

According to Ochoa, the most convenient situation would be if the benefits could be redistributed to the states in which casinos are located.

“In general, taxes fiscally strangle this industry and indirectly promote clandestine and illegal gambling. They also alienate investments, so we welcome a measure to boost the economy.”

Ochoa also shared details about the taxes contributed by the casino industry, and pointed out that before the pandemic, the 384 operating gaming halls sent $251m to the Treasury, while it also sent $126m to states and municipalities.

Due to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policy, Mexico is currently not granting new authorizations to open gambling halls. Despite the fact that there are a total of 284 operating rooms, the 36 authorization permits have the rights to open up to 754 casinos in total, but only if the ban is lifted.

According to AIEJA, improving tax regulations would help new rooms in the country, and consequently Mexico could receive bigger contributions from gambling.

Back in January, AIEJA assured that the casino activity in Mexico was close to three-quarters of the volume it had before the pandemic, when the facilities were forced to close for a year.

Estado de México had recovered 75% of its casino activity and the jobs lost during the pandemic, although others like Chihuahua were forced to close again or reintroduce restrictive measures at the beginning of the year as new guidelines were introduced to fight the pandemic in the North American country.

Callum Williams
Callum Williams