The American Gaming Association has released its comprehensive study of the state-by-state economic impact of tribal casino gaming in the United States.

Developed on its behalf by Meister Economic Consulting, the analysis, using relevant data from the 2016 calendar year, the most current which are available, measures the economic and fiscal impacts of class II and class III tribal gaming on the US and state economies.

“Tribal gaming operators are present in 28 states and create nearly half of all US gaming revenue,” said Sara Slane, senior vice president of public affairs for the AGA. “This report details the widespread economic impact that tribal casinos have in states across the country, providing diverse career opportunities, supporting local businesses and generating tax revenue and revenue share payments for all levels of government.”

Tribal gaming has undergone significant growth from a $121m segment of the country’s gaming industry in 1998, via the introduction of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, and currently houses over 676,000 employees which are paid a combined $36bn in wages, a further $15bn is issued in taxes and revenue share payments to federal, state and local governments and a total value of sales sits at $105bn.

A number of key findings outlined as a result of the fresh report are that:

  • California is the largest tribal gaming state by economic activity, jobs and tax payments. Tribal casinos add $20bn to the Golden State’s economy, support jobs for nearly 125,000 Californians and generate $3.4bn in taxes and revenue share payments to all levels of government.
  • Oklahoma is the second largest state with tribal casinos, creating jobs for nearly 75,000 Oklahomans, generating $1.6bn in taxes and revenue share payments and adding $9.6bn to the state’s economy.
  • Tribal gaming added $6.1bn to Florida’s economy, supported nearly 46,000 jobs and generated more than $1.1bn in state, federal and local taxes and revenue share payments.
  • The upper Midwest is a hub of such activity. Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin tribal casinos combined generated nearly $1.5bn in state, local and federal taxes and revenue share payments, supported nearly 78,000 jobs and added $10.2bn to the states’ economies.

Craig Davies

Craig has been in journalism since 2011, after graduating from the University of Central Lancashire the previous year. Several roles in the news and sports print media ensued, before a two year...