Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment has, as expected, had its proposed integrated resort and casino development for Greece’s Hellinikon Project approved by the Hellenic Gaming Commission (EEEP).

Set to be delivered in conjunction with Greek construction firm Gek Terna, it follows last week’s news that Hard Rock International, whose proposal was the only competitor, was rejected by the EEEP in Greece’s casino tender.

Local publication Ekathimerini reports the HRI now has until Monday 3 February to voice any objections, with it anticipated that once received a month long assessment will subsequently commence.

Furthermore, the Greek publication also states that the HRI proposal fell short in the four key areas of the letter of guarantee, documents legitimising the bid, the necessary experience in constructing an integrated casino complex and the assurances about the funding model of the entire investment.   

Unveiling its plans last year as it attempted to secure the sole gaming licence on offer MGE introduced Inspire Athens, a development it says would create in excess of 7,000 jobs for the region during and after construction.

Incorporating a luxury hotel, entertainment venues, convention centre, shopping, dining, casino and “a comprehensive mix of premium amenities,” MGE states that its proposal will launch “a new era of tourism growth and economic prosperity for all of Greece and the entire region”.

Upon completion the firm expects an increase of at least of ten per cent in international tourism in the Attica region, as well as the contribution of millions of euros annually to both the government and the people of Greece in the form of taxes, infrastructure improvements and public services.

The casino property is to form one part of Lamda Development‘s wider €8bn Hellinikon Project, being developed on the site of the old Ellinikon International Airport which has sat empty for 18 years after being replaced by the new Athens entity.

The wider multi-faceted construction is also slated to incorporate a metropolitan park, shops, offices, sports and conference facilities, luxury hotels, museums, malls, cultural venues, health centres, educational and research facilities and a marina.

Craig Davies

Craig has been in journalism since 2011, after graduating from the University of Central Lancashire the previous year. Several roles in the news and sports print media ensued, before a two year...