
Pavel Valeryevich Durov, CEO of encrypted social media and messaging platform Telegram, was arrested at Paris airport over the weekend, causing questions to be raised over the platform’s impact on gambling. 

The arrest came about due to concerns over the methods the company takes to moderate illicit content. It has subsequently drawn global attention from many commentators and has been politically polarising, with Elon Musk taking to X to describe Durov as ‘a prisoner of the EU’s ongoing war on free speech’.

Nonetheless, the impact is likely to be felt by the platform’s significant gambling community, with the app housing a myriad of casinos from all sides of the regulatory spectrum. There is a fear that Telegram enables unlicensed casinos with an avenue to engage with unrestricted global audiences, without the limits of regulation.

Crypto casinos in particular thrive on the platform, with the transparency and anonymity of digital currencies being alluring to the desires of igaming players on the app. 

TG.Casino is a crypto casino operating entirely on Telegram, having recently benefited from the significant exposure of a commercial partnership with Italian football giants AC Milan earlier this year.

Another notable crypto-casino and sportsbook active on Telegram is Lucky Block. Describing itself as a ‘licenced bitcoin casino’, Lucky Block runs a website – similar in design to other sports betting operators, both crypto and fiat – but also maintains a dedicated Telegram channel, which is promoted on its site.

Online gaming is one of a plethora of sectors that could be dragged into the consequences of Telegram’s potential legal battle, and whilst it may not be at the forefront of the news around Durov’s arrest it holds a significant presence on the app. 

Prior to the arrest, Telegram faced speculation of a ban in Turkey, in which central communications agency ICTA accused Telegram of knowingly promoting illicit activities of money laundering, prostitution and illegal gambling to Turkish audiences.  

Off the back of Durov’s arrest, India has confirmed an investigation into the platform led by the Cybercrime unit (I4C) and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY ). As with other investigations, Indian authorities have cited drug trafficking and prostitution, but also illegal gambling.

Due to Durov’s arrest, the French investigation into Telegram is by far the most prominent, but it will also likely be long-running and hard fought. Telegram has strongly denied any accusations of wrongdoing by its CEO, who with an estimated net worth of $15.5bn will be able to afford a fierce legal defence team.

In response to its CEO’s arrest, Telegram’s statement read: “Telegram abides by EU laws, including the Digital Services Act – its moderation is within industry standards and constantly improving… Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe. 

“It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform. We’re awaiting a prompt resolution of this situation.”

Joe Streeter
Joe Streeter