Massachusetts Gaming Commission seeks close to Steve Wynn Lawsuit

Wynn Resorts

The Massachusetts Gaming Commission has unanimously voted to reach a settlement with casino magnate Steve Wynn, which it is hoped will bring an end to a lawsuit brought against the state.

Reaching a 5-0 vote, after asking for the public to be removed from the meeting while an executive session was held to speak on the matter behind closed doors, following Wynn launching legal proceedings against the MGC and Karen Wells, its director of the investigations and enforcement bureau.

The motion from commissioner Gayle Cameron read: “I move to authorise the commission’s legal counsel to work to finalise an agreement, the terms of which are consistent with the commission’s discussion in the February 20th executive session, that will result in dismissal of the case captioned Stephen A Wynn vs. Karen Wells, the Massachusetts Gaming Commission, and Wynn Resorts, et al that is presently pending in the Clark County District Court in Nevada, and will enable the Commission to receive an investigative report and move forward with an adjudicatory proceeding regarding Wynn Resorts’ suitability as soon as possible.”

The MGC decided to investigate if Wynn Resorts was suitable to hold a Massachusetts casino licence, following sexual misconduct allegations that surrounded casino magnate Steve Wynn early last year.

In February 2018, Wynn resigned as chairman and chief of the company, which the following April announced that it would change the name of the new casino from Wynn Boston Harbor to Encore Boston Harbor.

Following this development, the MGC is to conduct a suitability review into Wynn Resorts, which will ultimately decide whether or not to revoke its licence.

Elaine Driscoll, director of communications for the MGC, explained more on the outcome of the meeting: “Today the Massachusetts Gaming Commission voted to authorise its legal counsel, to finalise an agreement guaranteeing that commissioners have access to important investigative information relevant to the Wynn Resorts suitability review.

“This action also eliminates the uncertainty of protracted litigation, and allows the MGC to commence its preparations for an adjudicatory hearing and a robust, public review of its investigatory findings.”

The $2.5bn resort is being constructed outside Boston in the city of Everett, and follows MGM Springfield opening in Western Massachusetts in August, which became the state’s first full-blown casino resort.

Wynn Resorts issued a statement on the recent developments, which said: “We have worked closely with attorneys for the Massachusetts Gaming Commission and for Steve Wynn to reach a resolution that allows the commission to receive the information it believes is necessary to complete its investigation.”

Craig Davies

Craig has been in journalism since 2011, after graduating from the University of Central Lancashire the previous year. Several roles in the news and sports print media ensued, before a two year...