South African online casino Thunderbolt has announced its participation in the annual 67 campaign, by donating 67 meals bags for malnourished children.

To celebrate the July 18 Mandela Day national holiday, the campaign’s call to action invites all South Africans to contribute 67 minutes of community service.

Outlining its participation, Thunderbolt Casino has purchased 67 VitaMeal bags, each of which provides enough food to feed one child for an entire month. 

VitaMeal has created over 400 farming and production jobs in Malawi where it provides food for two million orphans, with Thunderbolt stressing that it is “overjoyed to have been able to donate to this worthy cause this year.”

A 67 minutes challenge is another strand to the campaign, with many ways to respond including spending time with the elderly, organising a sporting event or helping out at a children’s centre, volunteering in a soup kitchen or aiding the clean up of a beach or park.

Furthermore, “as a good deed towards players” Thunderbolt is to also give an additional six bonuses and seven freebies throughout July, as well as a new bonus every 67 minutes on the national holiday, which is to come in a variety of forms.

A statement on behalf of the Thunderbolt casino manager read: “Our inspiring leader fought for social justice for 67 years, he taught us that each of us as individuals have the power to change the world.

“It feels good to do good for others and we’re extremely happy that we’re able to contribute to the 67 minutes campaign this year, we couldn’t have done it without the support of our valued Thunderbolt customers, thank you all so much.”

Now recognised by the United Nations as an international day of humanitarian action, Mandela Day advocates citizens to get involved in the development of their country through the giving of time, skills, goods and money.

Craig Davies

Craig has been in journalism since 2011, after graduating from the University of Central Lancashire the previous year. Several roles in the news and sports print media ensued, before a two year...