Casino Copenhagen reprimanded by DGA for AML Act breaches


Casino Copenhagen has been reprimanded by the Danish Gambling Authority, the Spillemyndigheden, after several violations of the country’s Anti-Money Laundering Act were discovered. 

The DGA noted that the reprimands identified “do not cause an obligation to act for Casino Copenhagen,” due to the gaming property having sent an updated risk assessment; business procedures, policies, training material; and whistleblower scheme. 

However, it reminded “the order causes an obligation to act for Casino Copenhagen, since they must send an updated risk assessment addressing the insufficiency identified by the order”.

The first reprimand identified was related to an incomplete assessment of the risks associated with their business, including types of games and customers as well as payment methods, which it is said “did not cover all areas of their business model”.

A further two issues deal with insufficient written business procedures that the DGA stated lacked a general description of the performance of the tasks

These were also reported as incomplete in relation to politically exposed persons, customer due diligence measures, and the obligations to investigate and report. 

Furthermore, material used to train staff was said to be insufficient in ensuring that employees have an adequate knowledge of money laundering in relation to Casino Copenhagen.

Finally, the DGA said that Casino Copenhagen’s whistleblower scheme did not ensure sufficient anonymity for anyone making a report via the scheme. 

“The Danish Gambling Authority notes that the rules on risk assessment, business procedures, policies, training material and the whistleblower scheme are fundamental parts of the Anti-Money Laundering Act,” the regulator remarked. 

“As a rule, breaches of the rules and obligations lead to an order or a reprimand or in serious or repeated cases, they are reported to the police.” 

Craig Davies

Craig has been in journalism since 2011, after graduating from the University of Central Lancashire the previous year. Several roles in the news and sports print media ensued, before a two year...