Dutch authority Kansspelautoriteit updates AML guidelines

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Kansspelautoriteit, the Dutch gambling authority, has adjusted its anti-money laundering guidelines in the Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing (Prevention) Act – Wwft.

The KSA has stated that this will be the first update to the AML guidelines since the KOA came into force in April 2021, and the update is based on its research, signals from consumers and suggestions/questions from licence holders.

Part of the authority’s research into updated AML guidelines included opinions of gambling stakeholders such as DNB, the Dutch Financial Intelligence Unit, law firms, providers and industry associations. 

The KSA noted that, amongst other points, its consultation revealed that “research obligations in the context of the prevention of gambling addiction and Wwft client research were sometimes too intertwined”.

Addressing the issues found and applying to both online and land-based operators, customer transactions must be monitored and any unusual activity must be reported to the FIU.

The gambling authority has stated that its documents offer tools to providers to help them comply with the Wwft, and the amendments include a “step-by-step plan for investigating the source of a player’s resources, including examples”.

Earlier in December, René Jansen, Chair of KSA, highlighted the changes that are occurring within Dutch online gambling, noting that it demonstrates the market is reaching a “certain degree of maturity”.

Conor Porter
Conor Porter