JustBit.io links with Softswiss’ Affilka to debut JustAffiliates programme

JustBit.io has become the latest online casino to enter into a partnership with Affilka, Softswiss’ affiliate tracking platform.

By working together, JustBit.io and Affilka have launched a new affiliate programme entitled JustAffiliates.

“I am pleased to announce JustAffiliates – the first affiliate program, launched in the new year by Affilka, in partnership with JustBit.io!” commented Anastasia Borovaya, product owner of Affilka by Softswiss

“The gambling industry is an extremely competitive field. Therefore, in order to be successful, you need to choose the most reliable and reputable partners. Affilka fits the bill perfectly, since its reputation and more than a hundred satisfied clients speak for themselves.”

Justbit.io believes that its partnership with the affiliate marketing platform will help facilitate “strong and mutually beneficial relationships” with affiliates while also driving traffic to its casino.

When discussing the reasons for the collaboration, the online casino praised the “user-friendly payment module and commission constructor” as well as Affilka’s range of filtering options for statistical reports.

A JustAffiliates spokesperson added: “I would like to thank the Affilka team for the professionalism and focus on the  customer service they demonstrated during the JustAffiliates affiliate program launch. 

“We have already experienced the benefits of working with Affilka, so I can confidently say that JustBit.io made the right choice. I expect our affiliate program to be a great place to work productively with affiliates, growing and evolving together with our casino!” 

Erin Gallagher
Erin Gallagher