Novomatic’s interactive division, Greentube, has received the leading international information security certification ISO 27001, a process-based approach established and updated by the International Organisation for Standardisation. 

Stressing that the certification confirms the firm’s “dedication to network and information security,” the announcement comes as Greentube strives to make further inroads into its strategic ambition to expand globally, as it seeks partnership contracts with operators as well as seeking licences in new territories.

It is said that “Greentube passed the certificate with flying colours” highlighted by the company’s stringent approach when it comes to business continuity management, documentation, tool usage and systematic management of sensitive data.

This latest deal follows a flurry of global agreements entered into by Greentube, in addition to allowing the company to supply its titles to the newly regulated Swiss online gaming market.

Michael Bauer, chief financial officer and chief games officer at Greentube, said of the accreditation: “When it comes to customer data there are no second chances. As a company, we take every step to ensure that we adhere to international standards.

“This certification underlines our dedication to information security and compliance, and demonstrates to our operator partners and regulators that we can be trusted handling customer information. 

“The ISO certification is not only proof of our robust processes, but also allows us to enter the Swiss market where Novomatic games are particularly strong in the land-based segment. We are very much looking forward to this new market entry.”

Earlier this month Kindred Group received ISO 27001 certification for information security management by testing agency eCOGRA.

Following this move, independent testing agency eCOGRA unveiled an expansion of its services, after securing an extension of its online gambling testing and certification capabilities within Latin American markets.

Firstly Colombia’s online gambling regulator, Coljuegos, has approved eCOGRA as an independent testing laboratory, before the Buenos Aires Provincial Institute of Lottery and Casinos gave the green-light to test and certify online platforms and games for its market.

Craig Davies

Craig has been in journalism since 2011, after graduating from the University of Central Lancashire the previous year. Several roles in the news and sports print media ensued, before a two year...