Market analysts have suggested that bookmakers’ losses were about 25 per cent in 2020, marking the first year in history in which the entire industry was in the red. But as the situation begins to stabilise, Peter Korpusenko – TVBET’s CEO – believes that there is a growing opportunity to promote their live dealer games.
Over the last 12 months, betting companies were forced to re-evaluate their options, with some turning towards political events, Belarusian football and even tiddlywinks as alternative betting markets for their punters.
But for some bookmakers, live card games and lotteries became the markets of choice which proved to be advantageous – largely in part to these games not being tied to a sporting event, meaning they could be broadcast all year round.
We’re also expecting an increase in demand for our games. After all, those who like to bet on sports also prefer to bet on TVBET games. According to our internal analysis, carried out by one of our top partners, 80 per cent of sports betting fans bet on TVBET games.
Besides, during the first month of sports suspension (in March 2020), TVBET noted a 31 per cent increase in the total number of bets placed. Since that time, the popularity of these games has not stopped growing. We think there are a key few reasons why punters are choosing to bet on TVBET live games.
Firstly, bets on TVBET games can be placed in between live sports games. More often than not, players tend to find themselves being distracted during the half-time breaks – and TVBET games can act as a suitable solution to that mid-game boredom.
In addition, players are confident in the fact that our games are fair. Currently, eight out of 12 TVBET games are GLI certified, which guarantees 100 per cent random outcomes.
TVBET games are also well-known card games and lotteries – but in a completely new format. And even if the rules of a game are unknown, it is easy and simple to understand it, since the interface and rules of the game are intuitive.
Overall, 2021 is expected to have a heavier sports season and an increase in rates this year. So the numbers promise to improve compared with a year earlier. Online betting platforms are also expected to flourish even more since more and more competitors appear on the market every day, which sets new rules for the market.
So judging from the success of our games in 2020, and the return of the sporting calendar, this year promises to be an exciting year for TVBET.